The $pages API variable

$pages is your connection to all the pages in your site

While the $page variable holds the current page, the $pages variable is where you can get at all the other pages in your site. It includes functions for getting, finding, saving and deleting pages.

$pages API reference

View all $pages API methods in the API reference.

Examples of getting and finding pages

These examples correspond to the skyscrapers demo site. For this first example, we'll get a specific page and print its title:

echo $pages->get("/cities/chicago/sears-tower/")->title; 

Find all skyscrapers (i.e. pages using the skyscraper template). Then make a list linking to each of them. Note that this foreach() example below also applies to all examples below this – the foreach() has been left out of later examples for brevity.

$skyscrapers = $pages->find("template=skyscraper");
foreach($skyscrapers as $s) {
  echo "<li><a href='$s->url'>$s->title</a></li>";

Find all skyscrapers with a height greater than 500 ft, and less than or equal to 1000 ft:

$skyscrapers = $pages->find("template=skyscraper, height>500, height<=1000");

Find all skyscrapers in Chicago with 60+ floors, sorted by floors ascending:

$skyscrapers = $pages->get("/cities/chicago/")->find("floors>=60, sort=floors");

Find all skyscrapers built before 1950 with 10+ floors, sorted by year descending, then floors descending:

$skyscrapers = $pages->find("template=skyscraper, year<1950, floors>=10, sort=-year, sort=-floors");

Find all skyscrapers by architects David Childs or Renzo Piano, and sort by height descending:

$david = $pages->get("/architects/david-childs/");
$renzo = $pages->get("/architects/renzo-piano/");
$skyscrapers = $pages->find("architect=$david|$renzo, sort=-height");

Find all skyscrapers that mention the words "limestone" and "granite" somewhere in their body copy:

$skyscrapers = $pages->get("/cities/")->find("template=skyscraper, body~=limestone granite");

Find all skyscrapers that mention the phrase "empire state building" in their body copy:

$pages->get("/cities/")->find("template=skyscraper, body*=empire state building");

Examples of saving and deleting pages

Load a page, change its year field and save it:

$skyscraper = $pages->get("/cities/chicago/sears-tower/");
$skyscraper->year = 1974;
$pages->save($skyscraper); // $skyscraper->save() does the same thing

Find all pages with the text "Sears Tower" in their bodycopy, and update them to say "Willis Tower":

foreach($pages->find("body*=Sears Tower") as $p) {
  $p->body = str_replace("Sears Tower", "Willis Tower", $p->body);

Create a new skyscraper page in Atlanta and save it, then add an image and save again:

$skyscraper = new Page();
$skyscraper->template = $templates->get("skyscraper");
$skyscraper->parent = $pages->get("/cities/atlanta/");
$skyscraper->title = "W-Hotel Tower";
$skyscraper->height = 400;
$skyscraper->year = 2009;
$skyscraper->body = "This is a nice hotel and it has a helicopter landing pad on top of it."

Find all skyscrapers built in the 1950s and move them to the trash:

$skyscrapers = $pages->find("year>=1950, year<1960");
foreach($skyscrapers as $skyscraper) {

Permanently delete a page:

$p = $pages->get("/about/locations/southpark/");
// or: $pages->get("/about/locations/southpark/")->delete();

Permanently delete a page and all its children. In this case it will delete a city page and all the skyscrapers below it:

$city = $pages->get("/cities/houston/");
$pages->delete($city, true); // specify true as a second param to make the delete recursive

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